Monday 2 February 2015

Summary Writing

Writing Your Way to Happiness
by Parker-Pope

According to Parker-Pope (2015), there are several benefits that one can gain from expressive writing such as improving one’s personal life. This is evident in all of the examples which the author provides. In one of the research conducted on 40 college freshman at Duke University, expressive writing is seen to have evidently improved the grade point averages of students and significantly reduce the dropout rates. Similarly, another research was done on married couples where couples had to write about a conflict as a third party. The outcome showed an improvement in family relations as opposed to couples who did not engage in expressive writing.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi Taq/Shazirah,

    I feel that you can do away with the second sentence to save word count. "This is evident in all of the examples which the author provides." does not seem to convey any main point and is a little vague.

    40 college freshman -> freshmen (plural form)

  3. Hello!

    1. Summary is examples driven which is redundant i.e. supporting research and results. Could just list down the main and sub points mentioned in the article :)

    2. Remember to include the article title at the start of the summary!

    3. Language used is clear and concise.

    4. Point on "similarly, another research done on married couples..." is irrelevant.

    Ryan, Sue Lynn, Aisyah
